High Court Bar Association

Dharanidhar Nayak

Senior Advocate, President of the High Court Bar Association assumed Office on 29th March,

The High Court Bar Association, Orissa, Cuttack was registered on 5th September, 1961 under Societies Registration Act, 1860. Mr. L.K. Das Gupta was the first President and Mr Gangadhar Rath was the first Secretary of the Association. Presently, the Bar Association is headed by Mr. Dharanidhar Nayak, Senior Advocate

Office Bearers of the High Court Bar Association
(Elected on 29th March, 2023 for a term of one year)

Dharanidhar Nayak
Bidyadhar Pradhan
Chittaranjan Swain
Joint Secretary
Debashis Nanda
Assistant secretary
Debasis Swain
Asst. Secretary (Library)
Janaki Kanta Mahapatra

Executive body members
Biswajit Sahoo
Miss Ankita Tripathy
Spandan Mohanty
Satyabrata Dash
Manoj Kumar Agrawalla
Dillip Kumar Sahoo
Ashish Kumar Samal
Jagannath Kamila
Mrs. Ruchi Rajgarhia

Activities during the year

Observance of Lawyers’ Day

175th Birth Anniversary of Utkal Gourav Madhusudan Das & Lawyers’ Day was celebrated on 28th April, 2023 at the Convention Hall of the High Court. Dr. Justice Bidyut Ranjan Sarangi, Justice Biswanath Rath, Ashok Kumar Parija, Advocate General and Soumya Ranjan Pattanaik, Editor of Sambada were the guests in the function.

Help Desk at SCB Medical College & Hospital for victims and relatives of Bahanaga Rail Accident

After the rail accident of 2nd June, 2023 in Bahanaga of Balasore district, thousands of victims were shifted to SCB Medical College & Hospital for treatment. To assist the victims and their relatives the High Court Bar Association organized a Help Desk in the hospital premises and tried to provide all possible support.

Bar Association members with Dr. Justice
B.R. Sarangi, Executive Chairman, OSLSA
and officials of Legal Services Authority

International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day International Yoga day was observed on 21st June, 2023 in the High Court Bar Association Premises. Lawyers in large numbers participated in the event.

Felicitation of the newly appointed Chief Justice and Judges

On 8th September, 2023 the High Court Bar Association welcomed Justice Subhasis Talapatra on his appointment as the Chief Justice and Justice Sibo Shankar Mishra and Justice Ananda Chandra Behera on their elevation as Judges of the High Court of Orissa. In the same function the Bar Association felicitated Justice Biswanath Rath on his retirement.

Health Camp

On 29th September, 2023 the High Court Bar Association organized a Health Camp for the members of the Bar Association. The Health Camp was attended by Dr. Justice B.R. Sarangi, Justice Aditya Kumar Mohapatra, Senior Doctors and Health Workers of SCB Medical College & Hospital. Lawyers participated in the camp in large numbers.