The Chief Justice of the High Court has constituted 24 committees to deal with the administrative work of the High Court. A brief summary of the work done by each of the committees is given below.
The Chief Justice
Justice Jaswant Singh, Justice C.R. Dash,
Justice B. Mohanty, Dr. Justice B.R. Sarangi,
Justice Arindam Sinha, Justice D. Dash
During 2021, Justice Sanju Panda, Justice S.K. Mishra and Justice S. Pujahari were members of this Committee till 9th July, 7th October and 7th November respectively.
The Standing Committee deals with all service-related matters like promotion, transfer, disciplinary matters etc. and so on of Judicial Officers belonging to the cadres of Civil Judge and Senior Civil Judge.
In 2021, 47 newly recruited Civil Judges were posted in different stations of the State. 35 officers from the cadre of Civil Judge were promoted to the cadre of Senior Civil Judge on the recommendation of this Committee.
The Chief Justice
Justice Jaswant Singh, Justice C.R. Dash,
Justice B. Mohanty, Dr. Justice B.R. Sarangi,
Justice Arindam Sinha, Justice D. Dash
During 2021, Justice Sanju Panda, Justice S.K. Mishra and Justice S. Pujahari were Members of this Committee till 9th July, 7th October and 7th November, 2021 respectively.
The Review Committee reviews the performance of judicial officers immediately prior to their completing the ages of 50 years, 55 years and 58 years. The committee recommends whether they should continue in service beyond those ages. In the process, the Committee may even recommend, for the reasons to be recorded, compulsory retirement of officers found inefficient or of doubtful integrity.
In 2021, the performance of 67 officers was reviewed by the Review Committee. While 66 officers in all were found suitable to be continued beyond 50 years, 55 years and 58 years, 1 officer was recommended to be compulsorily retired.
The Chief Justice
Justice Jaswant Singh, Justice C.R. Dash
Advocate General, Odisha
Mr. Asok Mohanty, Senior Advocate
This Committee examines the applications received from advocates and makes recommendations as per the Orissa High Court (Designation of Senior Advocates) Rules, 2019.
During 2021, Justice Sanju Panda, Justice S.K. Mishra and Shri B.K.Mahanti, Senior Advocate were Members of this Committee till 9th July, 7th November, and 9th July, 2021 respectively.
The Chief Justice
Justice Jaswant Singh, Justice B. Mohanty
Dr. Justice B.R. Sarangi
This committee examines complaints received against judicial officers and recommends whether they should be proceeded with by way of a disciplinary action or dropped. Complaints that are anonymous or unsupported by an affidavit or unverified are usually not entertained.
During 2021, Justice Sanju Panda, Justice S.K. Mishra and Justice C.R. Dash were Members of this Committee till 9th July, 7th November, and 9th July, 2021 respectively.
The Chief Justice
Justice Jaswant Singh
Justice S. Pujahari, Justice B. Rath
Justice S.K. Sahoo, Justice Sashikanta Mishra
During 2021, while Justice S.K. Mishra, Justice D. Dash and Justice K.R. Mohapatra were members of this committee till 7th November, Justice S.K. Panigrahi continued as member till 9th July, 2021.
This Committee is entrusted with the responsibility of taking decisions regarding the training to be imparted to newly recruited judicial officers as well as continuing education to the serving ones. It finalizes the calendar of training workshops, seminars, conferences and events for the entire year. The committee elicits feedback from the participants at every workshop and training session.
A central focus of the committee is on the updation of the knowledge of judicial officers, judicial ethics, judicial skills, sensitization in the areas of gender, disabilities, social issues, poverty, access to justice and environment.
Justice Jaswant Singh
Dr. Justice B.R. Sarangi, Justice S. Pujahari Justice M.S. Sahoo
During 2021, while Justice Sanju Panda, Justice C.R. Dash and Justice B. Mohanty were Chairpersons of this committee for different judgeships, Justice S.K. Mishra functioned as such till 7th November, 2021.
While Justice D. Dash, Justice B. Rath, Justice S.K. Sahoo, Justice K.R. Mohapatra and Justice B.P. Routray were members of this committee for different judgeships till 9th July 2021, Justice Pramath Patnaik functioned as such till 14th June, 2021.
The Committee has been constituted in terms of Rule 10 of Chapter II of the Rules of the High Court of Orissa, 1948. It deals with appeals and representations made on the administrative side by the employees of the District Judiciary against the orders passed by Disciplinary Authorities.
Rules 22 & 23 of the Orissa Civil Services (Classification, Control & Appeal) Rules, 1962 permits the non-gazetted staff of the District Judiciary to appeal against the penalties imposed on them by the Disciplinary Authorities and the orders passed by the appointing authority respectively.
At the beginning of 2021, 34 appeals were pending. During the year, 6 new appeals were filed and 13 appeals were disposed of by the Committee. At the end of the year, 27 appeals remained pending.
Justice C.R. Dash
Justice Arindam Sinha, Justice S.K. Sahoo
Justice B.P. Routray, Justice S. Ratho
During 2021, while Justice Sanju Panda, Justice D. Dash, Justice B. Rath were members of this committee till 9th July, Justice K.R. Mohapatra and Justice S.K. Panigrahi continued as such till 7th November, 2021.
This committee oversees the functioning of the High Court of Orissa Mediation center which was inaugurated on 3rd January, 2015.
Since then, the Mediation Centre has been catering to the needs of the litigating parties by bringing about settlement between them. As of date, 49 trained mediators have been empaneled.
A whole range of issues including family disputes, commercial matters, civil and criminal both in pending cases and at the pre-litigation stage are referred to the Mediation Center. The services of Child
Psychologist are also enlisted in select cases. Four well-equipped ICT-enabled mediation rooms have been made available for this purpose at a newly inaugurated state-of-the-art mediation center.
Justice C.R. Dash
Justice Arindam Sinha, Justice K.R. Mohapatra, Justice S.K. Panigrahi, Advocate General, Odisha, Assistant Solicitor General of India for the High Court of Orissa, President, High Court Bar Association, Cuttack, Coordinator, Arbitration Centre (Ex-Officio Member)
During 2021, while Justice B. Mohanty and Justice B. Rath were members of this committee till 9th July, Justice S.K. Sahoo continued as such till 7th November, 2021.
This committee oversees the functioning of the High Court of Orissa Arbitration Center which has recently been shifted to new premises and has six ICT-enabled Arbitration rooms with a record room and support staff.
It has on its panel of arbitrators, former Judges of the Supreme Court of India, the High Courts, former District Judges, Senior Advocates, Advocates, retired Chief Engineers and retired Bureaucrats. It has its own set of rules and a fee structure. Apart from cases referred to it by the High Court of Orissa and the District Court under the Arbitration and conciliation Act 1996, parties by mutual agreement can have their disputes resolved through Arbitration at the Centre. Seminars and workshops on arbitration law are organized by the center.
Justice C.R. Dash
Justice B.P. Routray, Justice S. Ratho
Justice A.K. Mohapatra
During 2021, while Justice D.Dash and Justice S.K. Panigrahi were members of this Committee till 7th November, Justice K.R. Mohapatra continued as such till 9th July, 2021.
In the year 2021, apart from matters relating to routine purchases, articles for combating the COVID-19 outbreak were procured on an emergency basis and supplied to the employees. The new initiatives of 2021 were the introduction of a dress code for the staff of the High Court in the Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ cadres and the introduction of provision of light refreshment for the High Court staff during working days.
This Committee deals with matters relating to purchase of articles for the Court’s Establishment in accordance with the prevailing Rules and Circulars of the Finance Department of the State Government. Besides, it also deals with matters relating to disposal of movable assets of the High Court and matters relating to reimbursement claim of medical expenses of sitting and former Judges and employees of the High Court.
Justice B. Mohanty
Justice B.P. Routray
Justice R.K. Pattanaik
During 2021, while Dr.Justice B.R. Sarangi and Justice S. Pujahari, were Members of this Committee till 9th July, Justice S.K. Sahoo and Justice B.P. Routray continued as such till 7th July, 2021.
This Committee, constituted in terms of Rule 7 of the Rules of the High Court of Orissa 1948, considers proposals to annul, alter or add or to make new Rules for the High Court of Orissa.
In 2021, the Committee recommended framing of several new Rules and Schemes besides suggesting amendments to the existing Rules. Significant among the suggested amendments is the one relating to preservation and destruction of old Records of the High Court. Some of the other recommendations include amendment of the Scheme for appointment of Research Assistants to the Rules and relating to syllabus for recruitment of Junior Stenographers, formulation of a scheme for the engagement of domestic help by judges on co-terminus basis and amendments to the Orissa High Court Right to Information Rules, 2005 for waiving fees from persons belonging to the BPL category. The detailed recommendations of the Committee are tabulated at Appendix-A.
Justice B. Mohanty
Justice S.K. Sahoo, Justice B.P. Routray
Justice S. K. Panigrahi
Justice R.K. Pattanaik
During 2021, Justice S.Pujahari was the Chairperson of both the Computer and Steering Committee for e-courts (later renamed as IT and AI committee) till 10th July, 2021. Justice B. Rath and Justice K. R. Mohapatra were the members of the AI committee till 10th July, 2021. Justice R.K.Pattanaik joined the committee as member on 8th November, 2021. This committee is charged with the task of implementing;
a. Various initiatives of the e-Committee of the Supreme Court of India under the e-Courts project;
b. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) initiatives of the High Court of Orissa;
c. AI related initiatives under the guidance of the AI Committee of the Supreme Court.
While AI related activities of the Committee in 2021 were primarily focussed on coordinating with the AI Committee of the Supreme Court in enabling the adoption of the AI tool Supreme Court Vidhik Anuvaad Software (SUVAS) for translation of judicial documents, the ICT initiatives undertaken by the High Court of Orissa during the year 2021 were aimed at broadening the frontiers of access to justice, inclusivity and institutional efficiency.
The detailed description of the ICT activities is included in a separate chapter hereafter.
Justice B. Mohanty
Justice D. Dash, Justice B. Rath
Justice Sashikanta Mishra,
Justice A.K. Mohapatra
During 2021, Justice C.R. Dash and Justice Dr.B.R.Sarangi were Chairpersons of this Committee till 9th July and 7th November respectively. Justice K.R. Mohapatra and Justice Pramath Patnaik were Members of this Committee till 7th November and 14th June, 2021 respectively.
The High Court Building Committee has been constituted to plan and oversee construction and renovation of the Court and office buildings, residential accommodation for High Court Judges and Officers and staff of the High Court. This Committee also deals with matters relating to security and vehicles of the High Court.
The creation of a new record room digitization centre is described in detail in the chapter on ICT Initiatives. It was a long felt need to remove the unused, waste materials from the High Court’s premises in order to maintain cleanliness and to provide a better working environment. A concerted effort was made to achieve this in 2021
The steps taken to upgrade and modernize the administrative and judicial sections are included in the Infrastructure Chapter later in this report. That chapter also includes a narration on the new busbar trunking system to provide the modern electrical infrastructure for the High Court.
Decisions were taken for installation of CCTV cameras and introduction of Biometrics attendance system in the offices of the High Court. Besides, the Committee took note of the acute shortage of space in the barracks for the security personnel in the High Court premises and decided to recommend construction of one additional floor and the renovation of the kitchen therein.
Dr. Justice B.R. Sarangi
Justice S.K. Sahoo, Justice K.R. Mohapatra
Justice S.K. Panigrahi
Justice R.K. Pattanaik
During 2021, Justice C.R. Dash and Justice S.Pujahari were Chairpersons of this Committee till 9th July and 7th November, 2021 respectively. Justice B.P. Routray and Justice S.Ratho were Members of this Committee till 7th November, 2021.
This Committee deals with matters relating to Buildings and infrastructure of Subordinate Courts of the State. Besides, it deals with (a) Setting up of Commercial Courts, Commercial Division & Commercial Appellate Division, (b)Disposal of NDPS cases and (c) Progress of cases under the PC & PNDT Act.
The Committee finalises the Annual Action Plans under the State Sector Schemes and the Centrally Sponsored Schemes keeping in view the requirement of new Court Buildings and residential quarters for Judicial Officers and staff. The Committee also monitors the progress of the ongoing projects and procurement of suitable sites by different Judgeships for construction of new Court Buildings, residential quarters for Judicial Officers and staff.
During 2021, construction of 14 Court Complexes with provision for 102 Court Halls has been completed. The newly built Model Court complex at Odagaon in the district of Nayagarh is the first of its kind in the entire country where, the court building, residential quarters of the officers, the staff and the Transit house, Bar Hall, Canteen etc. are all located within a single complex.
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Besides, the construction of 19 residential quarters for Judicial Officers and 42 residential quarters for staff of the subordinate Judiciary was completed. An action Plan for an amount of Rs.74,71,73,000/- has been approved by the High Court for the execution of projects under the State Sector Scheme (projects entirely funded by the State Government) for the Financial Year 2021-22. Of the same, concurrence of the state government projects amounting to Rs.73,50,90,000/- has been received. While preparing the budget, priority has been given by the High Court for providing funds for completion of ongoing projects.
A provision has been made by the High Court for taking up of the following new non-residential and residential projects:
A sum of Rs.11,08,98,000/- has been allocated by the State Government for development of the infrastructure facility for the Subordinate Judiciary under the Centrally sponsored Scheme (projects funded by the Central and the State Governments in the ratio of 60:40) during the Financial Year 2021-22. Online allocation of the funds has been made to the agencies executing the ongoing projects in terms of the approved plan.
Dr. Justice B.R. Sarangi
Justice S.K. Panigrahi
Justice R.K. Pattanaik
During 2021, Justice D. Dash was Member of the Committee till 7th November, 2021.
This Committee deals with promotion of the employees of the High Court other than the Group-D employees. Besides, it deals with recruitment of Assistant Section Officers (ASOs) in the High Court and all other recruitments except for which other Committees are constituted. It also deals with matters relating to Court Managers.
In 2021, the Committee took up promotion of various cadres and 72 employees were promoted to different cadres as indicated in Appendix B.
In comparison, 24 employees were promoted in 2016, 86 employees in 2017, 45 employees in 2018, 49 employees in 2019 and 62 employees in 2020 were promoted to various cadres.
The Committee initiated and completed the recruitment of Assistant Section Officers. The examination for selection of Assistant Section Officers included a preliminary test, a written test, a computer test followed by a viva voce. In 2021, 202 vacancies were advertised and 79,775 applications were received. Out of them, 55,169 candidates appeared in the Preliminary test and 9,109 candidates qualified. 7,854 candidates appeared in the Mains Examination and 219 candidates qualified. Finally, 212 candidates appeared in Viva Voce and 157 qualified. 45 vacancies reserved for Scheduled Tribe candidates remained unfilled.
The examination for the recruitment of Junior Stenographers involved a test in English, a test in the knowledge of computers and skill test. In 2021, 29 vacancies in the post of Junior Stenographer were advertised and 1091 applications were received. Out of them, 836 candidates appeared in the English test and 376 candidates qualified. Of them, 204 candidates qualified in the computer test. Finally, only 8 candidates qualified in the skill test.
Dr. Justice B.R. Sarangi
Justice D. Dash, Justice K. R. Mohapatra,
Justice B. P. Routray, Justice R. K. Pattanaik
During 2021, Justice B. Mohanty and Justice S.Pujahari were Members of this Committee till 9th July, 2021.
This Committee deals with examination for recruitment of Officers in the cadre of District Judge by way of direct recruitment from the Bar and the Limited Competitive Examination. Consequent upon directions of the Supreme Court in Malik Mazhar Sultan v. U.P. Public Service Commission (C.A.No.1867/2006) an Examination Cell has been constituted and is functioning from 17th August 2021 onwards, under the supervision of Registrar (Examination), a Senior Judicial Officer in the cadre of District Judge who has been brought to the High Court on deputation. One Superintendent with two ASOs and one Class-IV staff are working in the Cell. Other recruitment examinations are also entrusted by the Chief Justice to the cell from time to time.
For 17 vacancies of 2020 to be filled up in the cadre of District Judge by way of direct recruitment from the Bar, 434 applications were received pursuant to the advertisement issued on 5th June, 2020. Of these 258 candidates appeared in the written test held on 29th November 2020 and only 5 candidates qualified for the viva voce held on 30th July, 2021. However, none of these 5 who were interviewed in the viva voce held in the full complement of the High Court, could qualify. In the Limited Competitive Examination, the quota of 5 vacancies of 2020 ought to be filled up, however, none appeared in this quota.
Every effort is made to ensure that the new recruits meet the rigorous standards of quality.
Posts | Vacancies | Posts filled up | |
Recruitment of District Judges | From BAR | 17 | Nil |
Through Limited Competitive Examination | 5 | Nil |
Justice Arindam Sinha
Justice S. Pujahari, Justice B. Rath
Justice S.K. Sahoo, Justice A.K. Mohapatra
During 2021, Justice S.K. Mishra and Justice D. Dash were Chairpersons of this Committee till 9th July and 7th November, 2021. Justice B. Mohanty and Justice D. Dash were Members of this Committee till 9th July, 2021.
This Committee has been constituted to come up with plausible case management and court management measures to tackle the issue of heavy pendency of cases in the district courts. It also takes into account the relevant resolutions passed in this context by the Chief Justice’s conference as well as the “Arrear Eradication Scheme” suggested in the report of the Malimath Committee. The suggestions of this committee are conveyed to the Judges of the High Court as well as the District Courts. The Disposal statistics displayed below has to be understood in the context of the judge strength in both district courts and high court. COVID-19 was another factor that affected the statistics for the year 2020-2021. Despite this impediment, the disposal rate of the High Court in 2021 was significantly higher than the previous years.
Year | Disposal | % Increase or Decrease |
2017 | 74,798 | + 4.65 |
2018 | 63,236 | -15.45 |
2019 | 93,224 | + 47.42 |
2020 | 61,335 | -34.20 |
2021 | 1,05,334 | +71.73 |
Year | Disposal | % Increase or Decrease |
2017 | 3,57,350 | -23.71 |
2018 | 2,55,005 | -28.64 |
2019 | 2,85,138 | +11.82 |
2020 | 1,26,077 | -55.78 |
2021 | 2,28,609 | +81.32 |
In the year 2021 in spite of the 2nd wave of COVID-19 the disposal in the High Court went up by 71.73% in comparison to the disposal of the previous year.
Justice Arindam Sinha
Justice S.Pujahari, Justice S. Ratho
Justice M.S. Sahoo
During the year, Justice D. Dash and Justice P. Patnaik were Chairpersons of this Committee till 7th November and 9th July, 2021 respectively. Justice B. Rath and Justice B.P.Routray were Members of this Committee till 7th November and 9th July, 2021 respectively.
This Committee was constituted in view of the directions issued by the Supreme Court of India, in a letter dated 9th June, 2016. The Registrar (Administration) is the convenor of the committee. A database of the cases pending in Family Courts of Orissa has been prepared under the supervision of this committee.
This Committee oversees the various steps involved in the filling up of the vacancies in the posts of counselors in the Family Courts. An expert is associated in the interviews conducted of the shortlisted candidates by the committee. The Select lists as recommended by the committee are placed before the High Court for approval.
Justice Arindam Sinha
Justice B. Rath, Justice K.R. Mohapatra
Justice M.S. Sahoo, Justice Sashikanta Mishra
During 2021, Justice D. Dash and Justice S.Pujahari were Chairpersons of this Committee till 9th July and 7th November, 2021 respectively. While Justice S.K.Sahoo and Justice S.K. Panigrahi were Members of the Committee till 9th July, Justice K.R. Mohapatra and Justice S. Ratho continued as such till 7th November, 2021.
This committee oversees the functioning of the Judges’ Library in the High Court. It may also deal with the stocking of the books in the libraries for the District Court Judges. In 2021, students pursuing Masters Degree in Library and Information Science assisted in reorganising the books in the High Court Judges Library.
In 2021, law books were distributed to the 23 newly opened Courts of Civil Judges-cum-JMFC as well as 17 District Courts. Additional copies of the Law journal available in the High Court Judges library were distributed among 20 district courts as well the newly constructed civil Court complex in Odagaon, Nayagarh. The committee recommended the supply of the SCC Online journal to every judicial officer in the state. It also oversaw the work of Digitization of the Odisha Gazettes from 1,948 onwards. As on 31st December 2021, 745 volumes of the Gazette comprising 2,13,364 pages were digitized.
Justice D. Dash
Justice S.K. Sahoo, Justice S. Ratho
Justice A.K. Mohapatra
Till 9th July, 2021 Justice B. Mohanty was Chairperson of this committee. While Dr. Justice B. R. Sarangi and Justice B. Rath were its Members till 9th July, Justice B.P. Routray continued as such till 7th November, 2021.
This committee was constituted in 2013 pursuant to the resolution adopted by the Chief Justice Conference. The mandate of this committee is to review and monitor the functioning of all juvenile justice institutions in the state of Orissa which would include the Juvenile Justice Boards (JJBs) and the Child Welfare Committee (CWCs) constituted under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of the Children) Act, 2015. The committee has been overseeing the efforts at reducing the pendency of cases before the JJBs and the CWCs. This Committee is convened by its secretary who is a District Judge cadre judicial officer brought on deputation to the High Court.
The committee periodically convenes the meetings of all stakeholders. On the recommendation of the committee:
● 12 Child Friendly Courts have been set up at Deogarh, Dhenkanal, Gajapati, Malkangiri, Nayagarh, Nuapada, Khurda, Kandhamal, Sambalpur, Ganjam, Angul and Cuttack. The setting up of one more such court at Kendrapara is in progress. The committee initiated the establishment of Orissa’s first ‘place of safety’ at Rourkela and a new Observation Home at Kalahandi.
● In compliance with the directions issued by the Supreme Court in Suo Moto W.P.(Crl.) No.1 of 2019, 15 exclusive POCSO Courts, of the 24 that were notified, were made functional during the year. 21 Fast Track Special Courts to deal with cases of sexual violence and POCSO cases were also made functional.
Justice D. Dash
Justice S.K. Panigrahi, Justice M.S. Sahoo
Justice Sashikanta Mishra
This Committee deals with matters relating to the newly established Record Room Digitisation Centre (RRDC), digitisation, preservation and destruction of records of disposed of cases in the High Court and subordinate Courts. It also oversees the functioning of the High Court Museum.
A Detailed description of the RRDC is included hereafter in the chapter of ICT Initiatives.
Justice S. Pujahari
Justice B. Rath, Justice M.S. Sahoo, Justice Sashikanta Mishra, Registrar General, Registrar (Administration),
Principal Secretary, Law Department, Govt. of Odisha,
District & Sessions Judge, Cuttack.
During 2021, Justice S.K. Mishra and Justice B. Mohanty were the Chairpersons of the Committee till 9th July and 7th November, 2021 respectively. Justice D. Dash and Justice S.K. Panigrahi were Members of the Committee till 9th July and 7th November, 2021 respectively.
This committee was constituted in terms of the resolution adopted in the Chief Justices Conference held in April 2013. The mandate of this committee is to oversee the implementation of the National plan for enhancing the quality, responsiveness and timeliness (QRT) of Courts of Orissa on uniform basis and to provide inputs and suggestions to the National Court Management System (NCMS) Committee for the formulation and effective implementation of the national plan. This Committee is convened by its secretary who is a District Judge cadre judicial officer brought on deputation to the High Court. The activities of this committee during the year include:
(i) The acceptance of the module for the development of a software for online tracking of warrants.
(ii) Instructing all District judges to ensure compliance with the directions of the Supreme Court of India in Asian Resurfacing of Road Agency P. Ltd. v. Central Bureau of Investigation (2018) 16 SCC 299 in all ten-year-old cases where a stay has been granted by the High Court.
(iii) Introduction of a case calendar for adoption by the District Judiciary.
Justice S. Pujahari
Justice B. Rath, Justice K.R. Mohapatra
Justice A.K. Mohapatra
Shri Gautam Misra, Senior Advocate
Mrs. Pami Rath, Advocate
District & Sessions Judge, Cuttack
During 2021, Justice Sanju Panda and Justice B. Mohanty were Chairpersons of the Committee till 9th July and 7th November, 2021 respectively. Justice Pramath Patnaik was a Member of this Committee till 14th June, 2021. Justice D. Dash, Shri B.H. Mohanty, Senior Advocate and Shri Sushant Kumar Dash, Advocate continued as members till 9th July 2021. Justice S.K. Sahoo and Justice B.P. Routray were members till 7th November, 2021.
This Committee considers proposals to annul, alter or add to the Rules in the First Schedule of the CPC or to make new Rules. The committee submits its recommendations in the form of a report to the High Court.
Presiding Officer
Justice S. Ratho
Ms. Saswata Patnaik, Advocate,
Director, Odisha Judicial Academy
Smt. Nibedita Mishra, ASR & OC
Justice Sanju Panda was the Presiding Officer of this Committee till 9th July, 2021. Mrs. Sujata Jena, Advocate and Member secretary, OSLSA were Members till 9th July, 2021.
This Committee has been constituted under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. In the year 2021, no complaint was received. At present, no complaint is pending.
Registrar (Vigilance) Registrar (Inspection)
This Committee deals with matters relating to promotion of Group-D employees to the entry-level Group-C posts i.e., Treasury Sarkar, Jamadar, Duftary, Attender, Cook-cum-Caretaker and Mali-cum-Choukidar. In the year 2021, the cases of 113 Group-D employees were considered and 104 employees got promoted to the aforesaid entry-level Group-C posts.