
District Court Building, Rayagada

The Rayagada Judgeship was separated from the parent Judgeship of Koraput and began functioning independently from 7th July 2012. 22 different courts are currently functioning in the judgeship with outlying stations at Kashipur, Bissam Cuttack, Gunupur, Muniguda, and Padampur. The District Court is functioning in the existing Civil Courts premises at Rayagada, spread over an area of 172,149 sq. ft. Twelve other courts are functioning in the campus. In addition, the Bar Room, Permanent Lok-Adalat, and D.L.S.A. are also functioning in the Civil Courts premises. The courts of the S.D.J.M. and the Civil Judge (Sr. Divn.) are functioning in the heritage building on the premises.

Rayagada comes under the DCDH of Koraput at Jeypore, which was inaugurated on 12th December 2022 in virtual mode by the Chief Justice of India. The Virtual Centre of the High Court of Orissa at Rayagada was inaugurated on 19th October 2023.

A new District Court Building is under construction and is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

Additionally, foundation stones for the proposed new civil court complexes at Bissamcutack and Kolnara were laid by Dr. Justice B.R. Sarangi, the then Acting Chief Justice on 23rd December 2023.

New courts of Civil Judge (Jr. Divn.)-cum- J.M.F.C. at Padampur and Muniguda were inaugurated in 2023. The court of District and Sessions judge, the Court of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Rayagada, the court of Civil Judge (Sr. Divn.)-cum-Assistant

From left to right of the top row-Inauguration of paperless court and court complex at Muniguda
Bottom row- Inauguration of court complex at Padampur

Sessions Judge(Women’s Court), Rayagada, the Court of Nyayadhikari Gram Nyayalaya Kolnara at Rayagada, and the court of the Civil Judge (Sr. Divn.), Rayagada were inaugurated as paperless courts in 2023.

Shri Bikram Keshari Pattanayak was the District and Sessions Judge until 13th May 2023. Shri Satya Narayan Sarangi continued thereafter from 17th May 2023 till the end of the year.

Apart from the District and Sessions Judge, the judgeship consists of the following courts:

Number of judges in each court

Case Statistics