In every financial year, the establishment of the High Court of Orissa places demands before the State Government for making necessary provision of funds under two different heads of account: Infrastructure Development and Administrative Expenses.
Infrastructure Development covers construction of new Court and office buildings, residential bungalows, quarters, Court Guest Houses repair and renovation of such buildings and up-gradation of the existing infrastructure. Pursuant to a proposal by the High Court, the State Government makes provision of funds for such projects on annual basis. The buildings meant for Courts, Offices and Guest Houses are classified as “Non-Residential Buildings”. The bungalows and quarters are classified as “Residential Buildings”.
During the financial year 2023-24, funds of Rs.30,73,63,000/- were made available by the State Government for new construction of non-residential projects and Rs.50,00,00,000/- for repair and renovation of residential buildings of Judges, officers and staff. While Rs.67,95,94,000/- has been released in favour of the executing agencies by the end of December, 2023, the entire amount for new construction, repair and renovation has been released in their favour for execution of work. The remaining amount will be utilized within the financial year 2023-24. The projects undertaken during the year have been indicated in a separate chapter titled ‘Infrastructure’.
Administrative expenditure includes salary and emoluments, transport expenses, leave travel concession, electricity, water charges, telephone, motor vehicles, other contingencies, up gradation of computer facilities and sumptuary allowance etc. Pursuant to a proposal submitted by the High Court, the State Government makes provision of funds in the above sub-heads under the major head ‘Administrative Expenditure for Establishment’.
During the financial year 2023-24, there was budgetary provision of Rs.201,81,71,000/- towards administrative expenses of the High Court, out of which a sum of Rs.110,38,73,000/- was spent under different heads from 1st April, 2023 to 31st December, 2023. Rs.77,50,41,000/- towards salaries and allowances, Rs.3,39,58,000/- towards electricity charges, Rs.98,000/- towards water charges, Rs.5,59,85,000/- towards telephone charges, Rs.1,54,91,000/- towards purchase and maintenance of vehicles, Rs.7,07,45,000/- towards computer upgradation and maintenance and Rs.15,25,55,000/- towards other contingencies.
The details of the budgetary allocation and expenditure for infrastructure development and establishment of the High Court and the Budget of the High Court have been indicated in a tabular form at Appendix-J.