Odisha State Legal Services Authority(OSLSA)

Hon’ble Dr. Justice Bidyut Ranjan Sarangi, The Acting Chief Justice, High Court of Orissa is the Executive Chairman of Odisha State Legal Services Authority (OSLSA) since 11.08.2023. Shri Sudipta Acharya is the Member Secretary of OSLSA. Access to justice for all is not just a constitutional goal but it is the driving force behind all the legal services institutions in India. In the passage of time, dynamic roles and responsibilities have been assigned to legal services institution and OSLSA and its field units are not behind in discharging its pious obligation.

The prime objective of the OSLSA is to provide free and competent legal services to the weaker sections of the society; and to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disability. Apart that OSLSA organizes Legal Awareness Camps especially in rural areas, slums or labour colonies with the dual purpose of spreading legal literacy and legal awareness amongst the people and in particular to educate weaker sections of the society about their rights, benefits and privileges guaranteed by social welfare legislation and other enactments as well as the administrative programmes and takes measures to encourage settlement of disputes by way of negotiations, arbitration, conciliation and mediation, and organizes Lok Adalats for early settlement of disputes and to facilitates expeditious disposal of cases. OSLSA is functioning through its state-wise network of legal services institutions in all the 30 Districts and 114 Taluks of the State.

Information relating to various programmes and initiatives carried out by OSLSA and its field units during the year-2023

1. Lok Adalats: -

  1. National Lok Adalats: –

As per the Lok Adalat Schedule for the year, 2023 received from National Legal Services Authority (NALSA), New Delhi, four National Lok Adalats were organized in the High Court of Orissa and in the District & other Sub-ordinate Courts. As many as 2610 cases including motor accident claim appeals, land acquisition appeals, electricity disputes, bank matters, criminal compoundable matters and other matters were placed in the High Court of Orissa. 331 cases involving compensation, fines and recovery of loan amount of Rs.18,66,52,541/- were settled.

Similarly, in the District and other Sub-ordinate Courts, 57,088 cases were settled/disposed of in Lok Adalats involving Rs.506,76,65,851/- towards realization of fines in criminal cases and award of compensation in other cases. Further, 19,979 no. of Pre-litigation disputes involving Rs.72,24,57,023/- were settled.

Details of National Lok Adalats in the High Court

Details of National Lok Adalats in the District Judiciary

b. District Level Lok Adalats :

As per the Lok Adalat Schedule for the Year, 2023 received from NALSA, New Delhi, three District Level Lok Adalats were held on 11.03.2023, 08.07.2023 and 14.10.2023 respectively on the subjects, as specified by NALSA, i.e. MAC Claim Cases, IPR matters, Consumer matters, Land Acquisition Cases, Family disputes, Revenue cases, other ancillary matters and other cases. In the said Lok Adalats, 4,12,521 no. of cases were taken up and out of the same 3,53,739 cases involving Rs.70,89,14,944/-as compensation, fines and revenue amount etc .

Further, in view of kind minutes of the Hon’ble Executive Chairman, OSLSA, a District Level Lok Adalat was also held at District headquarters of Balasore, Cuttack, Khurda at Bhubaneswar and Sambalpur including Sub-divisional headquarters of Panposh (Rourkela) in the district of Sundargarh on the cases U/s.138 N.I.Act only on 16.04.2023. In the said Lok Adalat, 2059 cases were taken up and out of the same 262 cases were settled.

2. Permanent Lok Adalat (PUS):

Total 22 Permanent Lok Adalats (Public Utility Services) established by this Authority are functioning. During the year, 2023, 1241 Pre-litigation disputes were registered out of which 2029 disputes (including previous pending) were settled.

3. Legal Aid: –

During the year, 2023, 19,271 applications seeking legal aid were received. Of these, 18,961 were disposed of by the State Authority, High Court Legal Services Committee and other field units. In 2853 matters, Panel Advocates were engaged, in 12,967 matters counseling was offered and in 3141 matters, other services which include legal assistance was provided to the beneficiaries for availing the benefits of Centre/State Govt. Schemes.

4. Legal Aid Defense Counsel System

As per the instructions received from NALSA from time to time, steps have been taken by OSLSA to implement Legal Aid Defense Counsel System in all the 30 DLSAs of the State. During the 1st Phase, steps were initiated by OSLSA to establish Legal Aid Defense Counsel System Offices in the districts of Angul, Bolangir, Balasore, Cuttack, Dhenkanal, Ganjam, Kalahandi, Khurda, Koraput, Malkangiri, Mayurbhanj, Nuapada, Phulbani, Sambalpur & Sundargarh. On 26th April, 2023, Hon’ble Dr. Justice S. Muralidhar, the then Chief Justice, High Court of Orissa and Patron-in-Chief of OSLSA has inaugurated the Legal Aid Defense Counsel System Offices in the aforesaid 15 DLSAs of the State through Virtual Mode at “AAIN SEVA BHAWAN”, Cuttack in the august presence of the Hon’ble Judges of Orissa High Court.

Inaugural ceremony of Legal Defense Counsel System in 15 DLSAin the office of OSLSA “Aain Seva Bhawan”, Cuttack on 26.4.2023

As per the instruction of the NALSA a 2-day online training programme have been held for the selected Legal Aid Defense Counsel at Odisha Judicial Academy, Cuttack. Total 12 Nos. of Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel, 26 Nos. of Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel and 28 Nos. of Assistance Legal Aid Defense Counsel have been appointed in the aforementioned LADCS. After functioning of LADCS, the following no. of cases received and disposed of.

5. ADR Centres and Mediation

ADR Centres are functioning in 16 districts. In the districts where ADR Centres have not been established, the District Mediation Centres are taking up mediation and other ADR activities.

As on 31.12.2022, 403 cases were pending before the different District Mediation Centres  for mediation. During, 2023, 1165 cases were received, 99 cases are settled through successful mediation. In 845 cases, mediation failed and in 323 cases, mediation could not commence. Till 31.12.2023, 301 cases are pending for mediation .

a. Mediation Training Programmes: –

A 40-hour (5 days) Mediation Training Programme (MTP) for the Advocates of western Odisha districts i.e. Sundargarh, Sambalpur and Jharsuguda was organized by OSLSA at Rourkela (District-Sundargarh) from 1.4.2023 to 05.04.2023 under the aegis of the Mediation and Conciliation Project Committee (MCPC), Supreme Court of India. In the said training programmes, 22 Advocates- Mediators successfully underwent mediation training. Senior Trainers namely Ms. R. Ratna Thara (Advocate) and Dr. S. Padma (Advocate) deputed by the MCPC, New Delhi conducted the training programme.

b. A similar 40-hour (5 days) Mediation Training Programme (MTP) was also organised by OSLSA at Jeypore (District-Koraput) involving the Advocates of the districts of Koraput, Kalahandi, Malkangiri, Nabarangpur and Rayagada from 28.06.2023 to 02.07.2023 under the aegis of the Mediation and Conciliation Project Committee (MCPC), Supreme Court of India. In the said training programmes, 24 Advocates-Mediators successfully underwent mediation training. The Judge Trainers of MCPC namely Mrs. Giribala Singh and Mr. Mahesh Krishnaji Jadhav deputed by the MCPC, New Delhi conducted the training programme.

6. Awareness and Outreach Programme

During the year, 2023, 2692 Legal Literacy/ Awareness Camps were organized by the DLSAs and TLSCs through physical and virtual mode across the State on different legal themes, welfare schemes and on the occasion of observance of different Days such as “International Women’s Day on 8th March, 2023, “International Labour Day” on 1st May, 2023, “World Environment Day” on 5th June, 2023, “World Day against Child Labour” on 12th June, 2023, “International day for the Older Person” on 1st October,2023, “National Legal Services Day” on 9th November 2023, “Children’s day” on 14th November 2023, “Constitution day”on 26th November 2023, “International Day for Person with Disabilities” on 3rd December,2023, and “Human Rights Day” on 10th December 2023, as per the Calendar of Activities prepared by OSLSA. Total 2,45,257 people had participated in these awareness programmes.

7. Campaign for Specially-abled Persons

Pursuant to the kind direction of the then Hon’ble Executive Chairman, OSLSA, a campaign for the Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) throughout the State of Odisha was launched. The campaign was commenced on 22.05.2023 and continued till 29.05.2023.

The campaign focused on door to door visits to find out actual grievances of Persons with Disabilities whether it relates to Govt. Schemes or legal matters. This campaign involved panel lawyers, Para legal volunteers, officials of District administration and govt. Officers who specially deal with beneficial schemes relating to Persons with Disabilities and it was headed by DLSA Secretaries. In order to enhance the reach-out, brochures, short video were prepared and a toll-free helpline number for Persons with Disabilities was generated for the above purpose. That apart, help of digital platform, social media were taken and the news in both English and vernacular language were circulated.

During the aforesaid campaign, 8169 nos. of application for legal assistance were received, out of the same instant benefits were provided to the above 2000 no. of Persons with Disabilities(PwDs) in consultation with different Government Departments.

8. Opening of Help Desk by OSLSA to provide aid and assistance to victims of Train accident and their relatives.

On 2nd June 2023, a horrific train accident happened in Balasore district, in the state of Odisha in which total of 294 people died and 1,175 others were injured. In quick response, the Odisha State Legal Services Authority, Cuttack immediately instructed DLSAs namely Cuttack, Balasore, Mayurbhanj, Bhadrak, Khurda & Jajpur to open Help Desks. Help desks were opened comprising PLVs, Panel lawyers and other official Staffs to provide aid & assistance to victims of train tragedy and their relatives.

9. State-wise Plantation Drive by OSLSA

With an aim of mass plantation, re-forestation of destroyed forests and afforestation solving problems caused by forest degradation, planting trees for ecological balance and keeping the earth in a healthy and green zone, under the direction of the Hon’ble Executive Chairman of Odisha State Legal Services Authority, a State-wise Plantation Drive was held on 7th July, 2023 (Friday) on the occasion of “Van Mahotsav Week” by involving 30 District Legal Services Authorities (DLSAs), 114 Taluk Legal Services Committees (TLSCs), Panel Lawyers, Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs) and students & teachers of all High Schools functioning in the districts including the schools having Student Legal Literacy Clubs (SLLCs) run in the State of Odisha. This plantation programme was conducted in collaboration with the Forest & Environment Department, and School & Mass Education Department, Govt of Odisha.

10. Special Awareness Camp on PoSH Act

On 14.09.2023, a special awareness programme was organized by all the DLSAs involving all Judicial Officers and Staffs of the Court for the purpose of sensitization on various provisions of Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Work Place Act, 2013 and on directions of Hon’ble Apex Court imparted in Aureliano Fernandes Vrs. State of Goa and Others. Similarly, awareness programmes are organized by DLSAs in month of October at Collectorate/Tehsil/Block offices of their respective districts and in the month of November at Hospital & other offices and in the month of December at Schools/Colleges & other offices on the provisions of the aforesaid Act.

Special awareness camp on POsH Act

11. Observance of World Mental Health Day

The Odisha State Legal Services Authority in association with the District Legal Services Authority Cuttack has Observed “World Mental Health Day” on 10th October,2023 at Department of Psychiatry, S.C.B. Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack. In the said Programme, the Member Secretary OSLSA & the then District Judge -cum- Chairman District Legal Services Authority Cuttack, presented their valuable talk on aims & Objective of the observance of the World Mental Health Day and various aspects of Law relate to Mental Health Care and provisions of Legal Aid & Services for Mentally disabled persons. The dignitaries had also distributed fruits amongst the patients of Mental ward.

Glimpses of Observance of World Mental Health Day at Department of Psychiatry
S.C.B. Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack

12. Inauguration of Legal Aid Clinic for inmates of Biju Pattanaik Open Air Ashram, Jamujhari & Driving Training Centre for their rehabilitation

A Legal Aid Clinic and a driving Training Centre for the rehabilitation of convicts of Biju Pattanaik Open Air Ashram at Jamujhari, Khurda was inaugurated by Hon’ble Dr. Justice Bidyut Ranjan Sarangi, the Acting Chief Justice, High Court of Orissa and Executive Chairman, Odisha State Legal Services Authority, Cuttack on 08.11.2023 with an aim to cater to the legal needs of the convicts and bridge the gap between the convicts and concerned departments, and It is also meant to facilitate various benefits which are available to them under NALSA, SOP for their premature release.

The driving training Centre has been setup at the instance of OSLSA and DLSA, Khurda in collaboration with the Transport Department. This would help in rehabilitation of the convicts when they will step into the society after their release and help them making better humans.

13. Commemorative Ceremony of the workforce of legal services at state level on the occasion of National Legal Services Day

To acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of the legal aid lawyers of different panels, para-legal volunteers at the community level, students, in prisons and contribution of educational institutions at Colleges and Schools level, who have made significant impact in providing legal assistance and support to the individuals in need, the Odisha State Legal Services Authority organized a Commemorative Ceremony in august presence of Hon’ble Dr. Justice Bidyut Ranjan Sarangi, Acting Chief Justice, High Court of Orissa and Executive Chairman OSLSA “at Aain Seva Bhavan”, Cuttack on 9th November 2023 on the eve of “National Legal Services Day”. In the said programme the Hon’ble Dr. Justice Bidyut Ranjan Sarangi, Acting Chief Justice, High Court of Orissa and Executive Chairman Odisha State Legal Services Authority felicitated the best panel lawyer, best student, community, prison PLVs and best educational institution at College and School level. Besides that all the field units i.e.; 30 DLSAs and 114 TLSCs also observed “National Legal Services Day” by Organizing Awareness and Legal Literacy camp, rally, through mobile Vans, News Papers and Social media.

14. Legal Services Stall of OSLSA at Historic Baliyatra Ground Cuttack.

In order to create awareness amongst the general public during the Baliyatra Festival-2023, a Legal Services Stall was set up by the Odisha State Legal Services Authority at Historic Baliyatra ground, Cuttack. The said Stall was inaugurated by Hon’b1e Shri Justice Arindam Sinha, Judge, High Court of Orissa and Chairman, High Court Legal Services Committee on 28.11.2023 in presence of Hon’ble Judges of the High Court of Orissa and District Magistrate & Collector, Cuttack.

The main objects of installing of the Stall was to create awareness amongst the general public about the different activities carried out by the OSLSA and field units. Besides that temporary Front Office, Mediation Centre and Legal Aid Clinic were set up in the said Stall by deploying one Advocate-Retainer and two Para-legal Volunteers of the DLSAs, on rotation basis during the period from 28.11.2023 to 04. 12.2023 to render necessary advice to the persons during their visit to the Stall of OSLSA. Student PLVs from law colleges were also deployed on rotational basis. Further, awareness materials like leaflets, pamphlets on different activities such as Legal Aid to poor, Lok Adalat, Permanent Lok Adalat (PUS) and Mediation were distributed to the visitors to spread awareness during the Baliyatra Festival-2023.

In this inauguration ceremony, the dignitaries distributed victim compensation benefits and labour benefits such as marriage, education, death benefits to the labourers. That apart, appropriate steps were also taken by this Authority to provide legal aid & services to the applicants on their applications received during the said Baliyatra Festival-2023. On the above inauguration Programme there are 53 nos. of Beneficiary who received benefits of Rs.26,07,400/- Lac under different beneficial Schemes. Such as educational benefits, marriage benefits, death benefits and labour registration cards. On 30th November, 2023. Hon’ble Dr. Justice Bidyut Ranjan Sarangi, Acting Chief Justice, High Court of Orissa and Executive Chairman OSLSA also visited the Legal Services stall of OSLSA at Baliyatra on 30.11.2023 and distributed benefits like educational benefits, marriage benefits, death benefits and labour registration cards to the labourers.

15. Observance of International Day of Persons with Disabilities

On 3rd December, 2023, Odisha State Legal Services Authority and all its field units i.e.; 30 DLSAs and 114 TLSCs have observed International Day of Persons with Disabilities by organizing awareness and Legal Literacy camps.

On the eve of International Day of Persons with Disabilities, a Mega Legal Services Camp for the Persons with disabilities was organized by District Legal Services Authority, Khurda at Bhubaneswar in association with District Administration at B.J.B. College ground, Bhubaneswar. The Mega Camp was inaugurated by Hon’ble Dr.Justice Bidyut Ranjan Sarangi, Acting Chief Justice, High Court of Orissa and Executive Chairman, Odisha State Legal Services Authority on 03.12.2023 in presence of District Judge-cum-Chairman District Legal Services Authority, Khurda, the Collector-cum- District Magistrate Khurda, Member Secretary and other officers of OSLSA & Other Judicial Officers of Khurda District.

The main objects of organizing of the aforesaid Mega Camp was to create awareness amongst the Persons with disabilities on different activities carried out by the OSLSA and field units with various provisions of law relates to them. On that day, the dignitaries distributed instant benefits to the persons with disabilities under different schemes of both Central & State Government like benefits of Madhubabu Pension Yojana, Marriage Assistant, Wheel Chair, Tri-Cycle, Laptop & Students Scholarship.

16. Victim Compensation Scheme

During the year, 2023, 2426 no. of applications under the Victim Compensation Scheme were received by DLSAs throughout the State. 2784 (including previous pending applications) applications were decided and Rs. 34,30,47,663/- was disbursed towards compensation to the beneficiaries by the District Legal Services Authorities (DLSAs).

17. Training Programmes for Panel Lawyers and Para-legal Volunteers (PLVs)

The training module devised by NALSA was followed for training of panel lawyers. During the year, 2023, 60 nos. of training programmes for panel lawyers were organized by the field units, wherein, 1596 Panel Lawyers were given training. Similarly, 09 no. of induction/refresher training programmes were also organized for PLVs and total 357 PLVs were imparted training.

18. Nyaya Sanjog

A State level Legal Assistance Establishment namely, “Nyaya Sanjog” is functioning in the office of the OSLSA since 21st June, 2017 with the aim and objective of providing multiple legal services under one roof. There is a dedicated Help Line number-1516. During the year, 2023, 762 persons approached the Legal Assistance Establishment (Nyaya Sanjog) and they were provided with the required legal aid, assistance and consultation.

19. Front Office

135 Front Offices are functioning in the DLSAs and TLSCs. During the aforesaid period, 2035 persons approached the Front Offices and 1768 persons were provided assistance in the aforesaid Front Offices.

20. Jail Legal Services Clinics and Village Legal Aid Care and Support Centres

87 Jail Legal Services Clinics are functioning in the DLSAs and TLSCs. During the year, 2023, 14,708 inmates approached the Jail Legal Services Clinics. Of them, 6474 inmates were provided with assistance. Similarly, 158 nos. of Village Legal Aid Care & Support Centres are functioning under the DLSAs and TLSCs. During the year,2023, 7368 persons approached those Centres and 4959 persons were provided assistance in the Centres.

21. Organization of Jail Adalats

Based on the directions of the High Court, imparted in W.P.(c) No.6610 of 2006 and W.P.(c)(PIL) No.3368 of 2014, Jail Adalats were conducted by the field units during the year, 2023. In these Jail Adalats, 276 cases were taken up, of which, 07 cases were disposed of.

22. One Day Training programme on various Provision of Environment Law

On 3rd June 2023 one day training programme on various provision of Environment Laws was organized by Odisha Judicial Academy in collaboration with Odisha State Legal Services Authority and Pollution control Board. In the afore said training programme Secretaries of 30 DLSAs had participated and got training on various provisions of Environment Laws.

23. Facilitating the students to have basic knowledge on Legal Services

Hon’ble High Court of Orissa initiated a programme since the Children’s Day 2021 for the visit of the students of different educational institutions to the High Court of Orissa, Odisha State Legal Services Authority and Judicial Academy on different holidays to make them aware of those institutions. Accordingly, the students of different Schools & Colleges have visited OSLSA in 2023 and are enlightened on various aids and services provided by legal services institution and got basic knowledge on functioning of OSLSA and its field units.

24. Student Legal Literacy Club

Following the guidelines issued by NALSA, total 746 no. of Student Legal Literacy Clubs have already been established in the State, each consisting of not more than 25 student members. There is one Teacher-in-Charge being nominated by the Head Master/Principal of the concerned school for each such club. The Club functions under the supervision of the Secretary, DLSA and District Education Officer of the concerned district. The student members of the Student Legal Literacy Clubs are being involved in the legal literacy/awareness camps as and when organized by the DLSAs/TLSCs as well as in the outreach campaign launched by NALSA.

As per the common minimum programme of NALSA, District and Zonal Level Legal Literacy Competitions on subjects like Essay, Debate, Painting and Skit are organized by all the DLSAs of Odisha.

25. Mobile Legal Services Van

To create awareness about legal rights among general public of far-flung areas of the state, OSLSA has deployed Mobile Legal Services Van with the prime objective of propagation of the legal aid schemes, spreading awareness through public interaction in order to make people aware of their legal rights, and the role, activities and functioning of legal services institutions including various legal services schemes formulated by NALSA as well as the various social welfare schemes of both Central & State Government. DLSAs also depute Panel Lawyer, PLVs during the visit of Mobile Legal Services Van with an aim to create awareness and to provide instant legal Aid & assistance to general public and also to receive legal aid applications from general public. In the Mobile Legal Services Van, awareness through audio visual display system on NALSA theme song, Schemes of NALSA, Various provisions of Law and various social welfare schemes of both central & State Govt. are being displayed during its visits.

During the period, Mobile Legal Services Van was deployed at Angul, Balasore, Bhadrak, Cuttack, Deogarh, Dhenkanal, Jagatsinghpur, Jajpur, Kendrapara, Phulbani, Puri, Nayagarh, and Sundargarh Districts of Odisha for creating legal awareness among the general Public of far-flung areas.

26. Internship

Young academic talent of Law Students is associated with the District Legal Services Authorities under this establishment of Odisha State Legal Services Authority through the internship programme. 30 students have completed the Internship Training Programme during year, 2023 under the District Legal Services Authority, Khurda, Angul, Cuttack, Deogarh, Kalahandi and Sundargarh. They have been given opportunity to know about the policies, schemes and how to provide free and competent legal services to the weaker sections of the societies by providing legal services through Lok Adalat. All the students were enlightened about the opportunities for securing justice to any citizen which are not denied by reason of economic or other disabilities. They were also made aware about the functioning of LADCS.

27. Visits of Jails and CCI by DLSAs

The DLSA Secretaries are regularly visiting jails in every month in order to ascertain the living conditions of UTPs. They are also paying un-scheduled visits to the jails and they are finding out the irregularities in basic facilities provided in jails and they are making necessary intimation to the concerned jail authority for its rectification. Also, one of the major objects of jail visit is to find out the UTPs who are languishing in jail custody due to non-furnishing of bail bond. In these circumstances, DLSAs are engaging panel lawyers for interaction with those UTPs and also taking necessary steps towards filing of applications for modification of their bail conditions before concerned Court and in obtaining socio-economic report for those UTPs. In cases of UTPs who have engaged private lawyers, personal interactions are being done by Secretary, DLSA and that concerned private lawyer for early release of UTP.

Similarly, DLSAs are visiting Child Care Institutions in order to ascertain the basic needs and requirements of a child and they are also ensuring implementation of all necessary guidelines which are framed for protection of interest of a child residing in a child care institution.

28. Success Stories

(i). Reunion of mother with her son

One Anandini Das, wife of late Jhadeswar Das residence of Kamarda village, District Balasore was sent by Hon’ble High court of Orissa to Odisha State Legal Services Authority for redressal of her grievance. The complainant on reaching at Odisha State Legal Services Authority had disclosed that she is being tortured by her Son and Daughter-in-law and also stated about her poor health condition. Food was immediately given to her and at the same time Member Secretary, Odisha State Legal Services Authority had directed DLSA Cuttack for immediate medical treatment of the complainant. DLSA Cuttack had admitted the complainant at surgery ward of SCB Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack.

The Member Secretary Odisha State Legal Services Authority had also directed DLSA Balasore to look into the complaint of Mrs. Anandini Das and on dated 22.02.2023 the DLSA Balasore called the son and daughter-in-law of the complainant to the DLSA office for the purpose of discussion and amicable settlement and after hours of discussion finally the son and daughter-in-law of the complainant agreed to take the complainant back to her house. On dated 24.02.2023, the son of the complainant had arrived at SCB Medical college and wanted to take his mother with him. His mother also showed her willing to go with her son. After getting all the clearance, the complainant was discharged from SCB medical. Both the complainant and her son were taken to DLSA Cuttack where further amicable discussion was carried out. The son had agreed in writing to take care of his mother and to meet all the medical necessity of his mother in future. At that time an emotional moment was blossomed at medical premises and DLSA Cuttack as well.

(ii). Addressing the problem of Child Dropout

To ensure Right to Education and safeguard against all form of abuse, neglect and exploitation a team comprising of ADM Khurda, DCPO Khurda, DEO Khurda, CDMO Khurda, DLO Khurda, DSWO Khurda and SJPU Khurda was constituted under the supervision of Secy., DLSA Khurda to undertake a comprehensive effort to address the issue of child dropouts in the district, through their concerted actions named as “SAMANAYA”, a total of 416 children were identified as dropouts, and measures were taken to minimize the impact and provide them with educational opportunities. The details of these children are as follows:

• Aged from 06-14 Years: 41 children were enrolled in appropriate classes based on their age, ensuring they receive the education suitable for their developmental stage.

• Aged from 15-18 Years: 375 children are currently in the process of being admitted to respective schools, with efforts underway to reintegrate them into the education system.

• To minimize child dropouts and create a supportive environment for continued education, the following steps were implemented:

Career Counselling: Career counselling sessions were conducted in various blocks of Khurda district, aiming to identify schools with high dropout rates. A total of 3,257 students participated in these counselling sessions from 01.01.2023 to 30.06.2023 in the 10 blocks where Career counselling sessions were completed. The objective was to guide and motivate students to stay in school and pursue their education.

District Coordination Committee: Monthly District Coordination Committee (in presence of all team members) meetings were held to ensure the effective implementation of strategies aimed at minimizing school dropouts.

Financial Support: Recognizing the challenges faced by vulnerable children deprived of basic and higher education, financial support was extended to 133 children.

  • Steps are being taken by DLSA Khurda in battling this ongoing issues , with involvement of various volunteers and social organizations in addressing the issue of child dropouts by providing counselling, reintegration, tracing and providing financial support.

(iii). Child Beggar & Child Labour

A rescue committee was formed for a week-long operation for prevention of Child Labour & Child beggar, starting from 9th May, 2023 to 17th May, 2023. The committee was chaired by the Secretary of DLSA and supervised by the Additional District Magistrate (ADM) of Bhubaneswar. Other committee members included the Child Development Project Officer (CDPO), District Labour Officer (DLO), Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), Special Juvenile Police Unit (SJPU), District Education Officer (DEO), and the Director of Child line.

During the operation, the committee successfully rescued the children who were victims of various forms of exploitation. The rescued children were then placed in the respective Child Care Institutions (CCIs) that were appropriate for their care and well-being. These CCIs are specifically designed to provide support, protection, and rehabilitation services to children who have experienced abuse, neglect, or other forms of harm.

(iv). 78-year-old Mayawati with the burden of 38-year-old different abled son

The local odia daily Newspaper “THE SAMBAD” dtd. 17.12.2022 in Page No.-09 published the news captioned that “୭୮ ବଷର୍ର ମାୟାବତୀ ମୁ􀅢ାଇଛ􀅽ି ୩୮ ବଷର୍ୀୟ ଦିବ୍ୟା􀅏 ପୁଅର େବାଝ” where an old widow woman namely Smt. Mayabati Pradhan aged 78 years of Katabali (Sirki) village of Malikpada GP under G.Udayagiri village was maintaining her 38 years old disabled son namely Tikindra Pradhan. As per the news report, the old woman was suffering from old age-related ailment. Due to sheer poverty they were not in a position to travel to the hospital in a vehicle, buy medicines for treatment and buy groceries for household purposes.

Taking immediate action, basing on the News report, DLSA Phulbani vide its office letter no. 1854 dtd.20.12.2022 requested the Collector & DM, Kandhamal & CDM & PHO, Kandhamal to take necessary steps for treatment of Tikindra Pradhan.

The Addl. District Magistrate, Kandhamal, Phulbani intimated vide his office Letter No.666 dt.29.03.2023 that the Dist. Social Security Officer, Kandhamal, Phulbani has enquired and submitted a report in this matter. The ADM, Kandhamal further reported vide Dist. Office Order No.1986/Emg. /dt.25.12.2022 that on the basis of our letter Tikindra Pradhan has been sanctioned PwD Pension at@ Rs.500/- per month as well as Rs.10,000/- only from CMRF funds, 2022 in his favour for his treatment.

On receipt of the above letter from the Office of Collector & DM, Kandhamal, Phulbani, one PLV Sri Ashok Kumar Pradhan was also deputed to the Vill-Mukulingia, PS-G.Udayagiri, Dist- Kandhamal in order to intimate Tikindra Pradhan regarding sanction of Rs.10,000/-(Rupees Ten Thousand)only in his favour . Sri Ashok Kumar Pradhan, PLV proceeded to his village and intimated Tikindra Pradhan regarding sanction of fund for his treatment and submitted a report that a sum of Rs.10,000/- has been credited to the bank account of Sri Tikindra Pradhan after verification of his bank passbook.

(v) A Mentally Challenged Women of Maharashtra returned to her Home

One mentally challenged lady namely Ruksana Bee, aged about 36 yrs, after rescued from the District Headquarters Hospital, Sambalpur had been sent to AsthaGruha, Sundargarh for her treatment. After few days it came to the knowledge of Secretary, AsthaGruha that the rescued lady is pregnant. Further it was intimated that she was recovering and insisting to return to her native place. Hence, on the application of Secretary, AsthaGruha step was taken by the DLSA, Sundargarh through S.P. Sundargarh to ascertain the address of the rescued lady in the month of March, 2023.

It was ascertained that the mentally challenged lady is from Maharastra State and with the help of DSP, HRPC cell, Sundargarh Ms. AmrutaNandidni Mohanty and IIC, Akohi P.S., Maharastra the family members of the victim girl was traced out at BarsiTakli, Maharastra who admitted that Ruksana was missing for one year back. Thereafter, the brothers of the pregnant mentallychallenged lady came to Jharsuguda by train. The Secretary, DLSA then contacted the RPF staff at Jharsuguda after sending all the details of the family members of the pregnant lady. The victim was sent to Jharsuguda by DLSA, Sundargarh in a vehicle taking all precaution with the help of nursing staff and the staff of ‘AsthaGruha’ (a Home for the mentally challenged women), Sundargarh and she was handed over to her family members in presence of the RPF staff at Jharsuguda after all the formalities.

(vi). Legal assistance to helpless children

Susil Kumar Dipa, PLV of DLSA, Boudh has brought an issue of two children namely Manini Naik, aged about 11 years and Rupali Naik, aged about 7 years of village- Tikarasahi, Po- Tikarpada, Ps/Dist- Boudh to this office, whose father is working outside the state and a mentally retarded person due to which he is unable to take care after his family. Also, for this reason the mother of the children also left their home. After that the Children were living alone in a broken thatched house in a miserable condition and living by begging food from neighbours. Also, they were deprived of education and good health. On this, the Secretary made discussion with the DCPO, Boudh over the issue and after intervention of this DLSA, the above children were placed before the members of the Child Welfare Committee, Boudh and thereafter after field verification and careful consideration, the children were admitted to the RamakrushnaBalashram, Birnarasinghpur, Boudh for their better education, food and health.

(vii). Legal Aid & Assistance to 13yrs.old Blood Cancer patient

As per the news article published in the daily News Paper “The Samaj” on 2nd March and 3rd March, 2023 and getting the intimation from Odisha State Legal Services Authority, Cuttack, it came to the notice of District Legal Services Authority, Nayagarh that a 13 years old boy namely Pradyumna Basanite of Kuruma Bankatara village under Odagaon block was suffering from Blood Cancer and his father for the treatment of his son had already sold his paternal land and was in dire need of help from the Govt.

After ascertaining that the news article to be true which need immediate attention, this Authority made correspondence to the District Administration and Health Dept. A team of Doctor had visited to the house of the patient and got to know that he was under treatment at BMC Hospital, Mumbai. Necessary communication was made with the parents from time to time and at the same time persuaded the matter with the Govt. for necessary help to the child. Finally, Collector & District Magistrate, Nayagarh intimated to this Authority vide his Order Memo No. 580, dated 11.04.2023 that the sanction order is issued for financial help to the child suffering from Blood Cancer out of Chief Minister’s Relief Fund. This brought a sense of hope in the eyes of the parent.

(viii). Financial Assistance Under National Family Benefit Scheme

After receiving the newspaper cutting from the Odisha State Legal Services Authority, Cuttack for providing necessary assistance to one Binodini Meher, W/o-Late Sadashiba Meher of Champapur of Biramaharajpur Block, Secretary, DLSA had been to her residential house at Champapur to know the detail and issued letter to the District Social Security Officer, Subarnapur to provide widow pension and to give financial assistance under National Family Benefit Scheme and other benefits under social security schemes. Accordingly, she got her widow pension and financial assistance of Rs.20,000/- under NFBS scheme. Further, her elder daughter got admission in the College free of cost and the Principal was requested to provide books from the college library.

(ix). Opportunity of Education to minor girl

As per application of Ms. Lipika Mohapatra, Para Legal Volunteer of DLSA, Angul, in connection with to provide legal assistance to the minor girl child, who had passed class V and drop out for 8 months. The District Legal Services Authority, Angul instructed the District Child Protection Officer, Angul to take action in the grievance application of Ms. Mohapatra. The DCPO, Angul along with Smt. Jharana Nayak, PONIC, DCPU, Angul visited the village Arampur under Thakurgarh G.P. of Athamallik Block on 20.11.2023 to make an enquiry in respect of the above-mentioned minor girl child. They interacted with the child in presence of her brother and some natives and found that the said girl child lost her father four years back and her mother is absconded for eight years. She passed class V and drop out since 8 months. She was produced before the CWC, Angul on 21.11.2023 and placed in UtkalBalashram, Angul& enrolled in Class-VI in P.T.C. High School, Angul.

(x) New Home for a Senior Citizen suffering from Mental Illness

An old lady namely – Auro Behera, W/o- Kalia Behera, At/.O/P.S- Bhanjpur, Ward No.2, Baripada, Dist- Mayurbhanj who is suffering from mental illness, was found abandoned near the village Belgadia, Baripada. She was left by her family and was in very bad condition. After being informed by the Panel Lawyer, the Secretary DLSA, Mayurbhanj Baripada along with PLV rushed to the spot and rescued the old lady. Initially the lady was sheltered in the “SAHARANCHAL NIRASHRAY AASHRAYA STHALI-2 (NULM)”, Baripada later she was transferred to Old Age Home for better care and protection.

(xi) Rehabilitation of Four minor destitute children

Kanak News reported the plight of four destitute children in Charipokharia village under Bhitargarh GP in the Revenue Block of Rajnagar on 03.02.2023 at 6.00PM. Following Hon’ble Chairman, DLSA’s intervention, Secretary, DLSA visited the village on 04.02.2023. The children, abandoned by their mother six months ago, were now under the care of their elderly grandparents (65 and 54 years old). Living in a thatched house on government land, they had no proper habitation, nutritious food, least said educational atmosphere.

The Secretary’s interaction revealed the children’s dire situation. The father was dead, and the family had no other land for a permanent home. They had no agricultural land. They did not have the benefits of several government schemes. The Secretary noted deficiencies in housing, nutrition, education and official documentation.

The District Legal Services Authority, Kendrapara intervened. The Collector and District magistrate sanctioned Devika Barik sponsorship at Rs.4,000/- per month under the mission Vatsalya scheme from 01.03.2023. The District administration assured to provide funds from the Government of India. A pucca house was also assured for them under the PMAY Scheme. Both the daughters were taken under the State Food Security Scheme and were assured with free education. Ararti Barik & Rudra Barik under six years of age were directed to be kept under the care of local Anganwadi Centre. Laxmipriya Barik & Debika Barik were included under Ration Card No.17090913534. The rest two children namely Arati Barik & Rudra Barik were added under SFSS (State Food Security Scheme). They were assured to avail food @ 20kg per month instead of 10 kg. The authorities have taken steps to address the family’s immediate and long-term needs.